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windirstat1_1_2_setup.exe hash

File name: windirstat1_1_2_setup.exe

Download WinDirStat Windows Installer (630.59 KB)

Hashes provided on:
MD5: 3abf1c149873e25d4e266225fbf37cbf
SHA1: 6fa92dd2ca691c11dfbfc0a239e34369897a7fab

Downloaded file hashes verified 7/14/14
MD5: 3ABF1C149873E25D4E266225FBF37CBF
SHA1: 6FA92DD2CA691C11DFBFC0A239E34369897A7FAB
SHA256: 370A27A30EE57247FADDEB1F99A83933247E07C8760A07ED82E451E1CB5E5CDD

Hashes for the .exe can be found here

Coursera hwswinterface-002 VM hash


The Hardware/Software Interface by Gaetano Borriello, Luis Ceze from the University of Washington

Virtual machine file name: VM.7z

Download VM.7z (1.3GB)

Provided MD5 hash: 9a2a35b58ff716a84f17610fdec972ec VM.7z


Downloaded file MD5 hash verified 7/12/14

MD5: 9A2A35B58FF716A84F17610FDEC972EC

SHA1: 4EC86B022355E324CBD4D13589AED6CDB4423093

SHA256: A0C7F7BBDC8DE1FC8C26EDC42A5270ADB3DD35363F14B18B7E2D8F342EE7730B

How can 14.7 MB equal 15.5 MB?

Answer, basically it depends on whether your MB unit is 1000^2 or 1024^2.
Let me explain:

If you look at a file online and the site states it is 15.5 MB and then you download the file, verify the hash, and notice Windows states the file size is 14.7 MB, one might wonder what is going on.

Windows considers 1 MB to be 1048576 bytes.  1024^2

Calculator 1024 Squared

In my particular example the website considers 1 MB to be 1000000 bytes. 1000^2

Calculator 1000 Squared

Therefore (truncated, not rounded)

15507456 bytes / 1000000 = 15.5 MB


15507456 bytes / 1048576 = 14.7 MB
