Tag Archives: watt

Exact Horsepower to Watt Calculation

Also know as: Where does 37284993579113511/50000000000000 come from?

1 hp = 33000 ft-lbf/min by definition

1 min = 60 s

1 foot = 3048/10000 (0.3048) meter

1 lb = 45359237/100000000 (0.45359237) kg

1 g = 196133/20000 (9.80665) m/s²


1 hp = wolfram-alpha-exact-horsepower-to-watts-calculation =

wolfram-alpha-exact-horsepower-to-watts-fraction watt

Exact results

1 hp = 37284993579113511/50000000000000 watt exactly (irreducible fraction) or

1 hp = 745.69987158227022 watt exactly (decimal)


See the input on Wolfram Alpha


Compare to the given fraction:


Where used:

Embedded images from Wolfram Alpha