Category Archives: Uncategorized

Google Groups settings for Public email addresses

By default, Google Groups are closed and require membership to email the group.  There are cases where this isn’t ideal, such as:

  • using the email for social media accounts
  • creating a department email that people from other organizations can email
  • etc.

If you are using the group to receive public emails these settings.

Permissions > Basic permissions

  • Post: Public

Settings > Moderation

  • Spam messages: Skip the moderation queue and post to the group

The first setting is required and the second optional, but random legitimate messages tend to get caught in the Spam filters.

Machine Learning by Doing

Machine learning by doing is a series following the best machine learning tutorials and examples posted around the internet and ensuring they are 100% repeatable.  Clearly defined version numbers for programming languages and packages, links to data sets and explanations of some of the lesser known functions we will encounter.

These examples are some of the best found on the web, but it is incredibly frustrating to find you are missing one small piece to re-create their results.

For the first post we follow along with Adam Geitgey in Part 3 of his “Machine Learning is Fun!” series.