I take no credit for this concept whatsoever, but the original list by gregjor didn’t include links to the related articles.
It’s pretty easy to find the articles through their search (sorted by popularity fyi), but here they are in one place:
Everything: Everything’s broken and nobody’s upset
TV: TV is broken
Java and Python sorting algorithm: Proving that Android’s, Java’s and Python’s sorting algorithm is broken
OSX memory management: Something is deeply broken in OS X memory management
Hiring: Hiring Is Broken – My interview experience in the tech industry
HTTP: We have broken HTTP
The internet: Edward Snowden: The Internet Is Broken
Email: Email is not broken: Its a framework, not an application
- Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas (one of them is Replace Email)
- This is the mail system
- Email sucks. This is how you fix it. Archive
Math.random in V8: Math.random in V8 is broken
Some links: Broken Links
The string type: The string type is broken
Google’s hiring process: Why Google’s hiring process is broken
Web development workflow: Our web development workflow is completely broken
EC2 firewall: The EC2 firewall is broken
RNG: “RNG broken for last 4 months”
SSL: SSL broken. (TLS 1.0 cryptographic attack that works. Not just fake certs.)
The ocean: The Ocean is Broken (2013)
Email forwarding: Google seems to have broken email forwarding
Sleep: Why Broken Sleep Is a Golden Time for Creativity
WhatsApp: WhatsApp is broken, really broken
Bookmarks: Mozilla UX: Save For Later (why bookmarks are broken and how to fix it)
Bitcrypt: Bitcrypt broken
The patent system: EFF Outlines Plan to Fix the Broken Patent System
Breaking news: Breaking News is broken
POSIX close(2): POSIX close(2) is broken
Scientific peer review: Scientific Peer Review Is Broken – Fighting to Fix It with Anonymity
Your Tumblr: Your Tumblr is broken. Fix it.
systemd: Broken by design: systemd
Your wireless router: Your Wireless Router Is Broken – Help Us Fix It At DEF CON
Nearly all binary search and merge sorts: Nearly all binary search and merge sort implementations are broken (2006)
OpenGL: OpenGL Is Broken
Bread: Bread is Broken
Maven: Maven is broken by design
HN submissions system: Tell HN: The Submissions System is Broken
Your Docker image: Your Docker image might be broken without you knowing it
iOS 8.0.1: iOS 8.0.1 released, broken on iPhone 6 models, withdrawn
VirtualBox: VirtualBox broken on Ivy Bridge Macbooks after 10.8.2 and Firmware Update
OpenSSL’s implementation of DSA: OpenSSL’s implementation of DSA appears to be broken
The rest aren’t linked yet, so here’s the search results: https://hn.algolia.com/?query=broken&sort=byPopularity&prefix&page=3&dateRange=all&type=story
Airport security
The War on Drugs
Diablo III economy
All the crypto code you’ve ever written
Web development
Unicode in Python
Go packaging
DNS in OSX 10.10
The rest aren’t linked yet, so here’s the search results: https://hn.algolia.com/?query=broken&sort=byPopularity&prefix&page=4&dateRange=all&type=story
Security of USB
Mac App Store DRM
HTML element
Your business
The venture capital model
RC4 in TLS (kind of)
GSM encryption
Visa and MasterCard security
Google’s design process
Silicon Valley
java.nio.file.WatchService, on Linux
Employee equity
The rest aren’t linked yet, so here’s the search results: https://hn.algolia.com/?query=broken&sort=byPopularity&prefix&page=5&dateRange=all&type=story
East New York
Language learning
DCI in Ruby
Logout in Ruby on Rails
Performance tools
India’s higher education system
Algorithm development
GitHub’s language detection
HN flagging system
Google App Engine
Photo uploading
US justice system
Our pricing model
RC4 in TLS
The calorie
Online dating
Tech journalism
California’s jaywalking law
Your online WYSIWYG editor
Skype for Windows
NBC’s Olympics coverage
The payments industry
Someone’s iPad
The App Store business model
The 30-day free trial
America’s meritocracy
Continental Airlines funnel
Advertising in mobile games
Flash ads